
Monday, May 20, 2013

Science NECAP Time

Students writing observations during a science experiment.
  Today the fourth graders are hard at work.  The wall is open and they sit in straight rows facing me.  Their pencils are moving, their faces are focused, and the room is deathly silent. It can only mean one thing, Science NECAPs.
  We have been working hard all year in preparation for these tests.  We've been doing experiments, we've kept science notebooks, we've learned how to observe like scientists, we've mastered the art of note taking, we have written scientific conclusions until we are blue in the face.  When I look out at the sea of students in front of me, I see confidence and assurance. Last week we practiced with some previous NECAP tests so even the format is familiar to them.  They've got this!
  Nothing is more rewarding for me as a teacher than to watch my students succeed.  I like the slight smiles that cross their faces as they know an answer. I like walking around the room and seeing them using testing strategies that we so carefully went over.  I like the look of their bodies when their brains are hard at work.  I am excited for them.